Learn privacy law from the leading international experts — Professors Daniel Solove and Paul Schwartz. Our online courses provide an engaging introduction to various areas of privacy law. Professors Daniel Solove and Paul Schwartz, the two leading experts on privacy and security law, created these courses. They have co-authored four textbooks on the law in this field, as well as a guidebook. They have been teaching privacy and security law for more than 50 years combined. Each course is about 1 hour long and contains readings and a quiz. People who successfully complete a course receive a certificate signed by Professors Solove and Schwartz.
The Teachers

Daniel Solove
Daniel J. Solove is the John Marshall Harlan Research Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School. He founded TeachPrivacy, a company providing privacy and data security training. One of the world’s leading experts in privacy law, Solove is the author of 10 books and more than 50 articles.

Paul Schwartz
Paul Schwartz is a leading international expert on information privacy law. He is the Jefferson E. Peyser Professor at UC Berkeley School of Law and a Director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology. Schwartz is also a Special Advisor at Paul Hastings, where he works in the Privacy and Data Security Practice.
Professors Daniel Solove and Paul Schwartz have been teaching privacy law for nearly 50 years combined. They are both recognized around the world as leading experts in the field. They have authored a 1200-page casebook, Information Privacy Law, which has been in use for more than 15 years, as well as three other privacy law casebooks and a privacy law treatise called Privacy Law Fundamentals. Both are reporters for the American Law Institute’s Principles of Law, Data Privacy.
Who is the Audience?
Our courses will be useful for anyone who wants to learn about privacy, whether inside or outside the U.S. Lawyers and law students can use our courses to gain basic knowledge of privacy law. Privacy professionals can fill gaps in their knowledge or learn about a new area of the law. Security and compliance officials will be able to learn more about privacy regulations. Those without legal training can also learn from these courses, though they may find some parts challenging. Even without legal training, most of the course will still be understandable.
Why Take These Courses?
These courses will permit you to gain sophisticated knowledge about privacy law. Sessions at conferences often supply fragmented pieces of knowledge. Our courses are designed to provide detailed knowledge in a structured and coherent way.
What Others Say About These Courses
“The Privacy + Security Academy’s online courses are informative and interesting. I used the modules as additional study materials in my preparation for the IAPP’s CIPP/US exam and found them to help improve my understanding of the subject matter.”
– John Jacobs, Director, ACA Compliance Institute
Course List
- Foundations and Themes of US Privacy Law
- Privacy Torts and the Media in the US
- Law Enforcement and National Security in the US
- HIPAA and US Regulation of Health Data
- GDPR and European Privacy Law Part I:
The European System and the Structure of GDPR - GDPR and European Privacy Law Part II:
GDPR Rights, Obligations, and Data Transfer - Financial Data and US Regulation – coming soon
- Data Security and US Regulation – coming soon
- Consumer Data and US Regulation Part I:
Common Law and FTC - Consumer Data and US Regulation Part II:
Statutory Law - Employment Data and US Regulation – coming soon
- Privacy by Design – coming soon