Edward Hu, Kate Black, Jill Green

Join Session

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Get ahead by knowing how to combat privacy matters in M&A transactions! Come hear our panel’s firsthand experience in what they thought the top five privacy battles were in M&A transactions through their experience in the trenches. We will discuss strategies on how to prepare for an M&A transaction and what to do in the aftermath to tackle your priority list. This session will provide you with practice tips to guide you through what to do when deadlines conflict with privacy concerns. Come learn from our war stories and share some of your own!

Edward Hu, Senior Counsel and Data Protection Officer, TrustArc
Kate Black, Shareholder, GreenbergTraurig
Jill Green, Principal, Morris Green


Edward Hu
Edward Hu

Senior Counsel and Data Protection Officer

Jill Green
Jill Green

Morris Green

Kate Black

Hintze Law