Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, Norman Sadeh, Achim Klabunde

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From toys and doorbells to smart cars, IoT technologies are collecting an increasingly wide range of data about us. CCPA and GDPR impose new requirements when it comes to notifying data subjects and giving them control over these dataflows (e.g., opt-in, opt-out, erasure, portability). This panel brings together regulators and technologists to explore the implications and practical challenges involved in reconciling new transatlantic regulatory requirements with the state of the art in IoT.

Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, Senior Policy Counsel, Future of Privacy Forum
Norman Sadeh, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Achim Klabunde, Adviser to the Supervisors on Data Protection and Technology, European Data Protection Supervisor

Achim Klabunde
Achim Klabunde

Adviser to the Supervisors on Data Protection and Technology

Gabriela Zanfir Fortuna
Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna

Senior Policy Counsel
Future of Privacy Forum

Prof. Norman Sadeh 400x400 400x398
Norman Sadeh

Carnegie Mellon University