Brandon Wiebe, Paul Gagnier, Heidi Wachs, Corey Dennis

As Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) exert greater influence over privacy strategies, privacy professionals have a fresh opportunity to launch new initiatives and expand their programs—tapping into the critical momentum of cybersecurity to win executive buy-in, garner more resources, and prove privacy’s ROI. You’ll leave this session with:

  • A clear understanding of what’s driving CISOs’ increased focus on privacy
  • Tips and tactics on how to align privacy projects to your security leader’s KPIs
  • A framework for identifying privacy projects that contribute to a mature security org
  • How to take a page from CISOs’ ‘constant vigilance’ playbook to uplevel your organization’s baseline compliance 

Brandon Wiebe, General Counsel, Head of Privacy, Transcend
Paul Gagnier, Chief Legal Officer, CompuCom Systems
Heidi Wachs, Managing Director, AON’s Cybersecurity Solutions
Corey Dennis, Senior Director, Global Counsel, Information Security & Privacy, Eli Lilly

Reading Materials:


Brandon Wiebe

General Counsel, Head of Privacy

Corey Dennis

Senior Director, Global Counsel, Information Security & Privacy
Eli Lilly

Heidi Wachs

Managing Director
Aon’s Cyber Solutions

Paul Gagnier

Chief Legal Officer
CompuCom Systems