Sponsors FAQs
How can I submit a speaking proposal?
Submit a proposal for the Spring Academy here. Submit a proposal for the Fall Academy here. Your Speaking Proposal If you are…
Where do I send marketing materials to be included in the welcome folder?
Marketing materials to be included in the welcome folder: Please mail standard-size marketing literature to be included in the welcome…
How can I upload our ad for the printed conference guide?
Sponsors who have purchased a half or full-page ad in the Printed Guide can upload the pdf file on our website. Please view…
Where is the venue, and do you have a list of hotels?
Venue The George Washington University 800 21st St NW Washington, DC 20052 Hotels in Washington, DC Courtyard Foggy Bottom…
Where can I pick up my registration packet?
Attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors can pick up their registration package anytime between 8 am to 4 pm on the…
Will conference sessions be recorded, or can I record a session?
No. Our event is live, and we don’t record any sessions. Therefore, session recordings won’t be available. Audio or video recording…
When do I have to arrive at my session as a speaker?
Please arrive 15 minutes early to connect your laptop to the projector to run your PowerPoints. Please bring a cable…