Sponsors FAQs
How can I submit a speaking proposal?
Submit a proposal for the Spring Academy here. Submit a proposal for the Fall Academy here. Your Speaking Proposal If you are…
Where should I send marketing materials for distribution at the event?
Marketing materials to be distributed during the event: Please mail standard-size marketing literature to be distributed during the event to…
Can I upload the ad for the conference guide?
Sponsors who have purchased a half or full-page ad in the Printed Guide can upload the PDF file on our website.…
What is the venue location, and which hotels are within walking distance?
Venue The George Washington University 800 21st St NW Washington, DC 20052 Hotels in Washington, DC Courtyard Foggy Bottom…
Where can I pick up my registration packet?
Attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors can pick up their registration package on any conference day between 8 am and 4…
Will conference sessions be recorded, or am I allowed to record a session?
No, our event is live, and sessions are not recorded. As a result, recordings will not be available. Audio or…
When shoud I arrive at my session?
As a speaker, please arrive 15 minutes early to connect your laptop to the projector to run your PowerPoints. Please…