Judith Wagner DeCew, In Pursuit of Privacy (1997)
A concise and intelligent philosophical discussion of privacy. Includes a good overview of other philosophical accounts of privacy.
A concise and intelligent philosophical discussion of privacy. Includes a good overview of other philosophical accounts of privacy.
A good set of essays by an interdisciplinary group of scholars on genetic privacy.
The best intellectual history of privacy, from ancient to modern times. Although the series spans five volumes, it is highly readable and contains numerous illustrations of art and historical artifacts.
A terrific compilation of essays about privacy and technology.
Etzioni applies his communitarian theory to privacy, producing a provocative discussion about when privacy rights should yield to societal interests.
A thorough and thought-provoking discussion of wiretapping and electronic surveillance. Terrific coverage of the historical, technological, and legal dimensions.
A superb history of privacy law, filled with fascinating stories and details. Very readable and very informative.
A very interesting and highly readable discussion of privacy.
Describes with great detail a litany of new technologies that are posing problems for privacy.
A fascinating account of the way that the welfare system exerts bureaucratic control over people’s lives and how people experience the limits the system imposes on their privacy.