Law of AI and Smart Machines

Theodore Franklin Claypoole, Law of Artificial Intelligence and Smart Machines: Understanding A.I. and the Legal Impact (2018)

From the book description: “How will the law change to accommodate the role of artificial intelligence in society and how much of that change has occurred already? When machines make their own decisions with financial impact, who receives credit or blame? This new guide provides an in-depth examination of how artificial intelligence has evolved, how…

Words that Created the Internet

Jeff Kosseff, The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet (2019)

From Eric Goldman (Professor of Law, Santa Clara University): “Most people benefit from Section 230 every hour, but are unaware it even exists. Jeff Kosseff’s new book provides the first-ever comprehensive history of this monumentally important law. The book’s lucid and reader-friendly style will fully engage Section 230 newcomers; while the book’s many never-before-publicized details…

Between Truth and Power

Julie E. Cohen, Between Truth and Power: The Legal Constructions of Informational Capitalism (2019)

From Joseph Turow (Robert Lewis Shayon Chair Professor, The Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania): “Julie Cohen presents a highly knowledgeable, nuanced analysis of the challenges that the twenty-first century’s digital environment presents to the legal and regulatory apparatus, which was built in the industrial age.  Every page holds important insights, and every chapter…