Mark Andrejevic, Neil Selwyn: Facial Recognition (2022)

From the book description: “In this timely book, Neil Selwyn and Mark Andrejevic provide a critical introduction to facial recognition. Outlining its complex social history and future technical forms, as well as its conceptual and technical underpinnings, the book considers the arguments being advanced for the continued uptake of facial recognition. In assessing these developments,…

Orly Lobel: The Equality Machine: Harnessing Digital Technology for a Brighter, More Inclusive Future (2022)

From Science Magazine: “A masterful analysis…Lobel expertly describes both the opportunities and the discrimination engendered by new technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI).” From Kirkus: “Enthusiastic yet measured argument for technology’s potential to promote equality across many facets of culture and industry.” From Daniel Solove: “[A}n exuberant and insightful account of the bright side of AI and related…