K Royal, Debra Bromson, Maggie Gloeckle, Ashley Slavik
With the changing compliance landscape for companies, whether in a controller or processor role, it is becoming more difficult to understand what contracts need to be in place. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation is quite prescriptive, but the new standard contractual clauses and the guidance issued by the European Data Protection Board add a level of simplicity that is quite confusing to many companies. In addition, the United Kingdom now has “adequacy” and is also expected to issue their own SCCs – or copy Europe’s. This is in addition to what California, Virginia, and US federal laws might require, not to mention other countries which have data transfer requirements. Join us as we discuss what needs to be in the four corners of the contract across the four corners of the world.
K Royal, Associate General Counsel, TrustArc
Debra Bromson, Privacy Consultant
Margaret Gloeckle, VP, Privacy & Compliance Counsel, A+E Networks
Ashley Slavik, Chief Privacy Officer & Lead Data Counsel, Veeva Systems