Daniel Cooper, Trisha Anderson, Perry Reynolds, Philipp Räther

In its opinion in Schrems II, the European Court of Justice invalidated the Privacy Shield, but upheld Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs). It did so with significant warnings about controller responsibilities and the need under certain circumstances for “additional protections” to accompany their use. This session looks at emerging best practices for the use of SCC’s for data transfers from the EU to the U.S.


Daniel Cooper, Partner, Covington (Brussels)

Trisha Anderson, Partner, Covington

Perry Reynolds, Director, Data Privacy Lead (Americas),  Cognizant

Philipp Räther, Group Chief Privacy Officer, Allianz SE

Cooper Daniel
Daniel Cooper

Covington (Brussels)

Perry Reynolds

Director, Data Privacy Lead (Americas)

Philipp Räther

Group Chief Privacy Officer
Allianz SE

Trisha Anderson
Trisha Anderson
